Calling all Political Obsessives!
Become a paid subscriber and join the Live Chat for the VP debate tonight at 9pm, eastern time
Okay, here we are: The moment we’ve all (sort of) been waiting for—the one and (apparently) only Vice Presidential debate of the 2024 race for the White House.
At around 8:45PM ET, I will be launching a thread in the chat function here at Substack. If you’re a paying subscriber, you’re free to join the running conversation during the debate—with me and my most devoted subscribers. It’ll be fun. It’ll be insightful. It’ll be ridiculous. But also fun. Have I mentioned that? In any event, I very much hope to see you there! If you’re unsure how to join us, see the instructions below.
How to get started
Get the Substack app by clicking this link or the button below. New chat threads won’t be sent sent via email, so turn on push notifications so you don’t miss the conversation as it happens. You can also access chat on the web.
Open the app and tap the Chat icon. It looks like two bubbles in the bottom bar, and you’ll see a row for my chat inside.
That’s it! Jump into my thread to say hi, and if you have any issues, check out Substack’s FAQ.