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I find it hard to believe that thinking people don't recognize Orbon's speech for what it is - a racist call to arms. He is Europe's DJT, only more articulate and cautious. In our limited history, Americans have shown how immigrants integrate into society and become like everyone else in one or two generations.

I'm not a theologian. Actually, I'm an atheist, but I don't see the Muslim world sending missionaries into other countries to convert people. Yes, there have been extremist exceptions, but in the main, the Christians telling people their God is false and the only true good is Jesus - or some such message.

According to Dr. Google, there are approximately 1.5 billion people who identify as Muslim, and a large number are secular; many others practice in only a limited way, but it is the extremists who capture the headlines.

Europeans have a right to their fear that a large number of immigrants will change their culture. I also understand that change is fearful for many, but no culture is stagnant - all things change with time and adapt or cease to exist. Is Christianity so weak that it can't withstand an influx of Muslims? Or do the Christians see Saladin coming over the next hill, sword raised high, to decapitate all Christians unless they covert? It sounds like what the Christians did to the Jews in Spain during the Inquisition. All in the name of a religion that preaches - love your neighbor.

In America, many people are afraid of people of color, who are mainly of the same religion. This fear of change takes many forms, but in the end, if not checked by well-meaning people, it will lead to disaster. How many centuries has Europe endured wars based on religion, mainly between competing forms of the same religion - Protestant vs. Catholic?

Those who make excuses for DJT or Victor Orban are no better than the racist pigs they are covering for. A turd is a turd - even when covered by a chocolate sauce or fine words.

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