Cheerful stuff, Damon. Where does the SC tilting the scales in favor of any R by rejiggering the EC via state legislatures rank? That scenario seems pretty plausible based on their behavior. RD in power via the SC with an R legislature to punish his enemies? Scary + totally realistic.

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I believe that electing any likely Republican to the presidency would result in terrible outcomes for the country. The Democrats have got to wake up to reality and campaign hard in red and purple states. No more stupid slogans like "defund the police". Win back disaffected white voters with positive messages, not divisive, hateful ones. It may not work, but it is a better path than they are currently on.

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With the primary system being what it is, I think the best we can hope for on the R side of the aisle is not Trump. Although this is eyes on the right, when I turn my eyes to the left, it looks like Biden or Harris. Although either one of them is better than Trump or a trumpist, I’m not inspired. 

The Supreme Court gets a lot of grief, but the institution that is truly broken is Congress. The executive + administrative branch and the SC do almost everything, with Congress focused on messaging bills, cable news hits, and little else. The fact that Congress does so very little makes the specter of a Trumpist R presidency really bad (an understatement).

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