I did think more school aged parents would break Republican over school closures especially in Michigan and Pa to punish the worst offenders, which may have taught me something interesting about the electorate, that voters move on quickly, it shocked me that Michigan stayed blue

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Michigan not only stayed blue but became bluer as both houses of the state legislature went from Republican to Democratic majorities. That was surprising.

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How did the mainstream media get this election so wrong? It's not a question I think that many pundits will be asking themselves but they should. Michael Moore, who was right about Trump in 2016, predicted the election wouldn't produce a red wave as did a couple of other prognosticators. Josh Marshall of TPM, looking at the same aggregate polls, hedged his bets but did note that there was a good chance Democrats would do a lot better than expected. Same for Jay Kuo.

I'll be interested in seeing what, if any, insights come out of the post mortem.

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Damon, I'd be interested in reading your discarded piece just for the sake of reading good writing. Perhaps make it Subscriber Only? Or is that a no-go as you were contracted to write it for a specific outlet?

I couldn't agree more with your stated reason for why you love politics. The challenge of trying to solve complex problems, as well as understand and (try to) persuade people in a complex society was always what drew me to the field. I have little love for the pugilistic side of politics--even if I do enjoy the occasional shitposting on Twitter--and your thoughtful approach continues to impress.

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Ahh the media and the pundits, turning pre-mature analysis into exhaustive hindsight (and I read every word until I fall over.)

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This is an interesting election. It is a good thing to see Conservative Republicans winning elections in Brooklyn and Queens for New York Assembly. Florida is a highlight. Winning the popular vote, but not winning enough seats is not good enough.

What the Republicans need to do is go hard into voter registration and ballot harvesting. The Democrats had already banked their vote by mail. Republicans need to do the same. If voting is going to be a season, then conservatives need to make it one as well.

Florida is a ray of hope. The entire apparatus of the state party spent four years registering voters. They also governed from a conservative perspective. Now is the time to press that throughout the entire country where it is possible to do so.

Under no circumstances is there a need for compromise with the liberals. In the places where the conservatives control, the key is to press the advantage and go after the liberal interests. A prime candidate would be defunding universities. Florida and Texas are beacons of hope for the country.

Working with an idea of building the party and harvesting ballots would do a great measure to win for Republicans.

Under the Democrats, Crime will not get under control. Gas prices will skyrocket. A crash is coming, and it is liberal policies that are making it a reality. For the most point, now is not the time to give in, but to retrench and use the power conservatives have in red states to mold a different vision into being.

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If you don't mind my asking, where do you live?

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Thanks. Your perspective made me curious. I'm in NE Florida. Jacksonville Beach.

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As a fellow Cornhusker (albeit, a moderate liberal one), I find your perspective unsurprising, but your choice of platform curious 🤔

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I remember Damon Linker when he wrote for right leaning publications in the early 2000s. He was a good writer then. I value his perspective, even if I disagree with it.

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Fair enough. I respect your efforts to deliberately seek reasonable perspectives with which you know you will disagree (similar to why I follow Andrew Sullivan - who turned me onto Damon in the first place!)

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I don't recall crime getting out of control under Obama or Clinton

And it turns out democracy actually matters -- Republiocans paid for their anti-democratic moves and messaging

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The time has come for the localities that have strong GOP majorities to systematically defund the left in their communities. Like the people of Jamestown Township in Michigan. More efforts like this need to occur. After all, it's the democratic process at work.

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"I don’t especially want Democrats to do Big and Bold things." The New Deal was Big and Bold. Wouldn't it be nice to have the New Deal back?

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And it would also be nice to have a new George Scialabba book

Always enjoy your writing

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Thanks! There actually is a new one (well, a new collection of previously published writing) coming out next August from Verso, called Only a Voice: Selected Essays.

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Great -- consider it purchased

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Don't we still have the New Deal?

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